M. Sc. Applied Mathematics

The Master of Science degree program in Applied Mathematics is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in Mathematics or an appropriate mathematical science, who wish to acquire a solid foundation in applied mathematics. The programme focuses on computational tools of modern applied mathematics and the mathematical theory underlying these tools. It provides a solid foundation for doctoral study in mathematics or for a career in teaching, industry, or government. In addition to an undergraduate degree in a mathematical science, applicants for the Applied Mathematics program should have completed courses in multivariable calculus, ordinary differential equations and linear algebra. Students should also have some experience with computer programming or the use of computational software packages. Courses taken in Partial Differential equations and Physics are an advantage. Applicants with insufficient preparation may be admitted on the condition that they complete certain prerequisite work to be specified by the Department at the time of admission. Each candidate for the M. Sc. Degree Programme shall have one or two Supervisors. The Supervisors must have a PhD Degree and must be at least of the rank of Lecturer. M. Sc. Applied Mathematics • Specialties: Numerical Analysis Mathematical Modelling Operations Research

Duration: 2 years

In addition to University requirements, admission into the programme shall be open to candidates who have earneda Bachelor of Science from any recognised University in Mathematics with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4 or a Bachelor’s degree in a Mathematics-related science with a GPA of at least 3 on a scale of 4 and the consent of the Department. Candidates admitted shall be required to register for a minimum of 120 credits.